Prewriting techniques: Brainstorming

Writing is one of the most competitive of all tasks. It requires ample time to think and organise your ideas. Therefore, it is important to know pre-writing techniques to help focus your mind, boost your memory, and correlate ideas while creating interesting topics, all so that you can finish your work with ease.

One of the most useful pre-writing techniques is brainstorming. Brainstorming is done by selecting one captivating word or phrase. After that, you try to recall all things that are related to your topic and if possible, you must record the whole thing that comes to your mind. If in case you have reached the point when there are no longer fresh ideas coming out in your mind, you can ask another person to give you new information about your topic, and maybe they could help you to brainstorm for more interesting topics or ideas.

When you have already completed the brainstorming process, you can now sum up all the information and ideas you have gained. You can reflect on what information is significant and useful for your piece. What other links can you perceive, What concept or idea must go first, What terms or ideas do you need to develop, After you answer all the questions on your mind, you already have a path to begin your writing.

However, brainstorming is only one among the many pre-writing techniques being used by professional writers. Trying other techniques may give you better options and help you decide what will benefit you most in writing about a particular topic.

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