Protecting Against Venereal Disease

If you are sexually active or plan to become sexually active then you need to be informed about venereal diseases and how you can protect yourself from it. Obviously, the simplest way to protect yourself is to abstain from sex altogether. In fact, it is the only way that is 100% effective.

There is a myth that condoms are 100% effective. The fact is that they are not completely effective even if they are free from defects. Those that do have defects offer even less safety. Condoms provide only one defence against venereal disease and this is the blockage of sperm, with or without spermicides. The problem is that sperm is not the only way that disease is spread and even if it were, condoms were made by man and are therefore fallible.

Many types of disease can be spread with ever actually having intercourse. The herpes virus, for example, can be spread by coming into contact with any of the blisters or liquid that came from the blister. Venereal warts are spread in a similar fashion. Condoms do nothing to protect against the spread of these ailments.

Another myth is that the sponge, diaphragm or foam types of contraceptive can protect against the spread of venereal disease. The fact is that there is no contraceptive that protects one from every type of venereal disease. In fact, they were made as preventive measures for unwanted pregnancy and were never intended to be used as disease prevention. Again, the best protection against venereal disease is abstinence.

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