Psoriasis Diagnosis and Treatment

Psoriasis can be a painful, distressing condition, but it is relatively simple to diagnose so your doctor should be able to get you started on the right psoriasis treatment quickly.

The first stage in diagnosing psoriasis is an examination of skin, nails and scalp, and a recap of your medical history. This is usually sufficient for a doctor to make a diagnosis. It may be necessary to submit to a biopsy in which a small sample of skin is taken under local anaesthetic. The skin is analysed under a microscope to help the doctor determine which type of psoriasis is present and to rule out other skin conditions.

Once psoriasis has been diagnosed, the starting point for psoriasis treatment is usually a topical treatment that is applied to the affected areas. There are a number of options available and it may take time to establish which is most effective for a particular patient. The topical treatments include a range of oils, creams, shampoos and lotions, and can also involve formulas with vitamin-D or retinoids such as tar treatments.

If the condition is more severe, doctors may prescribe a more intensive form of psoriasis treatment using light therapy. This is carried out with ultraviolet light targeted onto the affected area of skin. Laser treatment, which works in a similar way may also be considered.

The third line of treatment involves medication, which is usually reserved for moderate or severe psoriasis. This includes drugs such as HYPERLINK “” acitretin, apremilast and  HYPERLINK “” methotrexate or biologic medications such as brodalumab and infliximab (Remicade). These drugs can have potentially serious side effects so patients taking them will be monitored.

Finally, in addition to the medical treatments outlined above, doctors will also advise psoriasis sufferers that it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of the condition by making changes to your lifestyle. Using relaxation techniques can lower stress levels and so reduce the extent of psoriasis flare-ups, and cutting out drinking and smoking can also have an effect, as these are factors that are known to increase the risk of a flare-up in psoriasis patients.

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