Rabbit Behaviour

New rabbit owners may find that they have tons of questions regarding their rabbit’s behaviour. Rabbits are not very vocal creatures like some other domestic pets are, so the only way to really know what is going on with them is to pay attention to their behaviour and body language. Rabbits almost never make a vocal noise unless they are very upset or in great pain. Rabbits may grunt if they are getting angry though, so pay attention so you do not get bit. A rabbit that screams is in pain or may be dying, so get it to the vet immediately.

Rabbits have scent glands in their chin which you may notice that they love to rub on things. By rubbing their chin on you, their cage or furniture, they are marking their property. This is not so different from what cats do when rubbing their faces and heads on things. If your rabbit rubs his scent on you, consider yourself marked as his territory.

Some rabbits will actually exhibit signs of begging for food. Don’t make a habit of giving it to him though. Rabbits love treats and can quickly become overweight if they are fed too many treats too often. Rabbits will often leave droppings to mark their territory too, especially if housed with other rabbits. Keep an eye on this if you let him out to play. It can become a real pain to keep cleaning up. Stomping or hard banging on the floor with feet is a sign of suspected danger. Keep your rabbit calm and secure to avoid this.

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