Ready, Okay!

This is a funny movie in many respects, but it sends a clear message to all who view it. Not everyone is the same, and we all have unique differences that shouldn’t be ignored or shunned.

This is the story of Andrea, who is a single mom struggling to raise her son, who is not like all the other kids. Seems Josh isn’t like all boys his age. Instead of enjoying roughhousing with the other kids, or playing contact sports, he is obsessed with dolls and dresses. Oh, boy. This is a mother’s worse nightmare, right,

Josh’s mother is beside herself. How does she handle her rather “unique” son, Instead of berating her son, she instead tries to re-channel his interests. She talks him into joining the wrestling team at school, thinking that this will introduce him to more “mannish” pursuits and maybe turn him around. But all it serves to do is re-direct his interest – from dolls and playing dress up with them, to becoming a cheerleader! The pure gut-busting comedy that results makes this a film one you will want to see again and again.

Both funny and touching at the same time, it’s a sweet film that will help parents to understand that while their child may not be the same as other kids, that doesn’t mean he’s any less loveable.

I enjoyed this film immensely, not just for the quality performances turned in by the actors, but for its sensitive handling of what could have been a very poorly treated subject.

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