Repair To Tendon (Hand)

Tendon looks white and it is fibrous. It joins bone to muscle. Tendon facilitates bone movements. Tendon can move smoothly over bone and also through tissues. Back of the hand has extensor tendons, which help straighten the fingers. Flexor muscles are located in the forearm. The tendons of these muscles are flexor tendons. We are able to make a fist with the help of these muscles. Bending of the fingers is not possible if these tendons are cut.

Snapped or ruptured tendons of the hand are treated surgically. The surgery is simple for repairing the extensor tendons. A special surgery is adopted to treat flexor tendons.

How tendons suffer injuries

Cut injuries with sharp objects can damage the flexor and extensor tendons. As the extensor tendons are just below the skin, it only has thin protection of tissues. Therefore, even minor injuries can damage the extensor tendons.

Accidents while operating industrial or farm machinery can cause injuries to tendons. When the tendons become weak due to inflammation of the tissues surrounding them, you cannot move the fingers freely. This condition is known as rheumatoid arthritis. Sports activities like rock climbing can strain or rupture the tendons. The domestic routines also involve certain risks such as jamming the finger, cutting on hand with a knife and handling the power tools.

How to know that the tendon has been damaged

You cannot hold your hand straight, and the finger droops down, if the damage is to the extensor tendon. You cannot bend your finger properly if the damage has occurred to the flexor tendon. These tendons are like rubber bands. Normally the cut injuries happen when the fingers are bent. Therefore, when the tendons are cut, they pull back towards the palm, making the repair a difficult one. If nerves are also cut, it causes numbness in the hand or in the finger.

However, you should see your doctor immediately if you are not able to bend or straighten your finger. The doctor will assess the damage to the tendons, if any, and treat it accordingly.

How a tendon injury is diagnosed

Doctors ask for the cause of injury. The position of cut explains the area and extent of the damage. They advise for x-ray to see if bone also is affected. To prevent infection they administer a tetanus injection. Hand specialists repair the damages through surgery. The treatment should commence within 24 hours of the injury. It is essential that a hand specialist diagnoses the damage and treat it, even if you are not able to reach him the same day. If repair is not done in time, the tendons may not join properly.

Are there alternatives to surgery for repairing tendons

Wearing a splint may be helpful sometimes. If it is a mallet finger, the splint prevents the ends of the tendons from pulling apart. You may have to wear the splint until you get a complete cure. This may take even six weeks. However, the alternatives are not applicable for all cases.

When I can resume to normal activities after surgery

It depends on the type of the tendon that has undergone the repair. If your job does not involve use of your hand, you can get back to it soon. If the repair has been done to a flexor tendon, it may take even twelve weeks for you to get back to your job. You can seek the advice of a hand therapist if you need to drive a car.

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