Reputations and Sex

There is always a girl in school who has a “bad” reputation. She may be the one who gets a lot of attention and may be very popular. On the other hand, she may be the one who tends to keep to herself and is somewhat of an outcast. Why are reputations so tarnished after sex when there is so much pressure to have sex.

To begin with, every person will at some point in their life make mistakes and will also be accused of mistakes they never made. Those facts are a part of every human being’s life and are the sole concern of that particular human being. When it comes to teenagers, those mistakes and accusations can ruin a reputation and bring the self esteem to depths that are below a desirable level.

What an individual does with their body as an adult is their concern. Teenagers will have the concern of themselves and their guardians. Neither the teenager nor the guardian wants to see a ruined reputation.
The way to keep a reputation solid is to try to avoid mistakes by sticking to morals and holding one’s self in high regard, even if others don’t. Having sex with people who have no respect is the fastest way to ruin a good reputation. As a teenager it seems unfair the difference between what one is pressured to do and what those acts do to a reputation. Deal with this irony by developing strong morals and sticking with them no matter what the pressure is.

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