Streptococcal Infections – 1

Streptococcal infections are bacterial infections caused by various different strains of streptococcus bacteria, the most commonly occurring strains being A and B.
The strain A streptococcus most often causes throat and skin related infections, which include

  • Sore throat or strep throat
  • Tonsillitis (severe infection of throat)
  • Scarlet fever (infection leading to fever, sore throat and rashes)
  • Cellulitis (skin infections affecting the tissue and fat layers underneath it)
  • Impetigo (skin infection with occurrence of pus-filled eruptions)
  • Erysipelas(skin infection causing inflammation of its upper layers).

The group A streptococcus can, in few cases, cause invasive streptococcal infections which means the bacteria invades and spreads infection into the bloodstream, fatty tissues or deep muscles. These infections include:Bacteraemia or infection in the bloodstream
Peritonitis or inflammation of intestinal tract lining
UTI or infection of the urinary tract (urethra or bladder)
Endocarditis or infection in the lining of heart
Meningitis or inflammation of tissues surrounding the spinal cord and brain
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome or infection causing reduced blood pressure leading to organ damage in liver, lungs and kidneys.
Necrotizing fasciitis (in which tissues under the skin get destroyed)
Group B streptococcus causes bacterial infections mostly in newborn babies. These infections include septicaemia or blood poisoning, pneumonia or lung infection and meningitis or inflamed tissues around spinal cord and brain. In fewer cases, the strain B can affect adults with infections of the urinary tract and of the bloodstream.
In certain cases, these bacteria do not contract an infection but are just present in areas like skin, throat, rectum, bladder or vagina. Such cases are referred to as carriers of infection and are capable to spreading infection to other healthy but vulnerable people.

Symptoms of streptococcal infections

The streptococcal bacteria are responsible for wide variety infections and each infection has its own set of symptoms.
Strep throat or sore throat is the most common infection caused by streptococcal bacteria and has the below symptoms:

  • Redness and soreness in throat
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Swelling in lymph nodes under the jaw and in the neck

The initial symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis and other serious invasive infections are a combination of below:

  • A small injury or cut in the skin usually becomes infected.
  • The immediate and the surrounding area around the injury feels painful
  • The pain is much more severe than a normal cut or wound would feel. It begins with the intensity of a muscle pull and gets more severe with time.
  • Body gets dehydrated and there is feeling of extreme thirst
  • Flu-like signs can also show up in the form of fever, diarrhoea, nausea, fatigue, giddiness and confusion.
  • The invasive streptococcal infections are occasional and uncommon; however, their symptoms are more severe.
  • One should take immediate medical advice if a combination of the above symptoms is experienced so that prompt treatment can be given and further serious conditions can be prevented.

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