Testicular lumps and swellings: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments Explained

Testicular lumps and swellings are most of the time benign, though many people associate it with testicular cancer.

The 4 major types of these testicular lumps are as follows:
Varicocele: very common and caused by the swelling of veins.
Hydrocele: develops during birth, and is caused by fluid swelling.
Epididymal Cyst: these can occur at any age, and is formed due to gathering of the protein and skin cells.
Testicular Torsion: happens when the testicles get twisted, causing an obstruction to the flow of blood inside.


The symptoms of each of the 4 types are described below.

Varicocele: – this lump normally does not show any symptoms in early stages, but most men would feel a dull heavy impression or pain in the groin or scrotum area. These appear generally on the left hand side like a soft lumpy structure, and they can in some cases cause infertility in the man.

Hydrocele: – the most common symptom of this type of lumps is a swelling seen on one or both of the testicles, and is generally painless.

Epididymal Cyst: – these are seen as tiny whitish or yellowish liquid like sacs. However, they don’t have any specific symptoms except when they become infected. An infected one will be a red painful swelling.

Testicular Torsion: – this type of lump is an emergency situation, and its symptoms are scrotum swelling, vomiting, nausea, fever, pain in the abdomen, and frequent urination.


Varicocele: these are caused due to an abnormality affecting all the veins inside the testicles, which leads to an accumulation of blood inside the veins.

Hydrocele: the testicles pass via a passage into the scrotum after birth of a male child, after which this passage has to close in. if it does not close in, it allows fluids to get into it which is what causes the hydrocele condition.

Epididymal cysts: cysts occur due to the hair follicle in the scrotum area, which keeps the skin cells together. They are composed of a substance known as keratin.

Testicular torsion: the spermatic cord is what keeps the testicles hanging from the scrotum. In some boys, the cord becomes very loose giving the testicles too much flexibility, and hence increasing their chances of getting twisted up.


Varicocele: this can be found out via a physical examination. In case of extreme situations, an ultrasound scan may be needed.

Hydrocele: this can be diagnosed by physical examination as well, and sometimes even blood tests are required

Epididymal cyst: a simple visual scanning is enough to determine this type of lumps.

Testicular torsion: this can be diagnosed when the person develops a severe swelling or pain in the testicles.


Variocele: for this kind of lumps, generally painkillers like paracetamol are taken if there is pain in the affected area.

Hydrocele: a surgical procedure known as hydrocelectomy is needed for this condition.

Epididymal cysts: corticosteroids injections are used to treat severe cases of this condition.

Testicular torsion: surgery is required for this condition involving the testicles being stitched together to prevent them from getting twisted once again.

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