The Perfect Bridal Bouquet

Designing the bridal bouquet is probably the biggest task that the bride faces after the selection of her gown. This central decoration will complement not only the dress, but the venue and even the bride herself. For this reason, you will want to put a great deal of thought into this important item.

When choosing the bridal bouquet, the best place to start is with your own unique figure. If you are petite, you will be overshadowed by a full and billowy bouquet and the entire picture will look out of proportion. A small and simpler arrangement will be preferable. However, if you happen to be tall or full figured, you can get away with a much more detailed display. Your colouring also makes a difference. As a general rule, if the colour wouldn’t look good as a piece of clothing, pass it up for your bouquet as well. You know the styling rule that says redheads should never wear red, Well, that goes for your bouquet as well.

After you determine what style and colours are suited to you, you can begin to match the bouquet to the ambiance of your entire event. Are you going for classic simplicity or do you plan on having a lot of ribbons and lace, Your bouquet should fit seamlessly into that picture. If your dress is full and flirty, you can get away with a bigger bouquet. However, if you are going to be wearing a simple sheath style, you need to stick with a simply styled bouquet as well. A larger arrangement will completely overshadow your gown, distracting instead of accenting.

Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of the expertise of your floral arranger. The more information you can give them, the more they can be of help to you in creating the perfect bridal bouquet.

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