Weight Watchers Diet

Founded in 1963 by Jean Nidetch, the Weight Watchers plan is one of the most successful weight loss programs in the world. The program has always focused on diet and exercise along with a healthy lifestyle as being the secrets to losing weight and keeping it off for life. They use group counselling and support as well as a food point system to help dieters make healthy food choices. There are no off-limit foods in a Weight Watchers program nor are there any meal replacements or strict menus. Dieters make their own choices guided by the point system which helps them track and identify foods that will help enhance their weight loss.
Under Weight Watchers’ Momentum program, dieters don’t have to eat less food but instead they need to make nutritious, healthy but filling choices. Foods which will fill up dieters and help prevent cravings are strongly encouraged. These types of choices include whole grains and fibrous vegetables. While dieters can choose between in-person meetings and an online support group; Karen Kovach, Weight Watcher’s chief scientific officer states that those individuals who opt to attend in-person group meetings generally lose about 50% more weight than other participants.
Most nutritionists consider Weight Watchers the gold standard in weight loss programs with many praising its focus on healthy eating as well as the support and counselling offered by the program. Some nutritionists do feel that the calorie counting on the plan can be complicated, and express concerns that the group counselling sessions might not be beneficial to individuals who crave anonymity.

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