Why create a new email account when you already have one?

It is perfectly natural to create only one email account for all your needs because doing this will make your life a lot simpler. You will only access all the emails sent to you in one email address and will only need to memorise one set of login information. However, experts say that the opposite is true. Contributors at MailBird, a business email provider, say that having only one account has its drawbacks.

Create A New Email Account to Separate the Personal from the Professional

Effective email management is one of the reasons why you need to create an additional email address or two. With your first email now inundated with spam, this definitely makes sense especially when you’ve missed an important work email that was buried in your inbox. According to MailBird, having only one account makes things more complicated as it blurs the line between what is personal and what is work-related. This is particularly problematic because you are only human and you make mistakes. One of those cringe worthy mistakes is sending a love note to a professional contact.

Compartmentalising for Better Email Management

There are blog and websites you subscribed to years ago that you still love receiving emails from but they can be a bother when you’re sifting through all of these emails to find a particular email. Aside from separating business from personal, you may also want to open an email account just for logging in to social media or subscribing to websites that are of interest. Experts note that creating a few email accounts that serve different purposes will help you filter spam. If you run a website, it is best to get a separate email address for it, too because it is a public account and expected to get a lot of spam in the long run.

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