Yoga Poses and Workouts (Online Workout – Inversion Sequence)

Inversion is a type of pose in yoga, which initially starts with a headstand, a forearm stand, or a shoulder stand position. Its first sequence is called Salamba Sirsasana, a headstand pose. To perform this, crouch down and slowly lift up the bottom portion of your body while resting your entire weight on your elbows, wrist, and head. This is done in order to calm your mind, strengthen your legs, arms and spine, and to improve your balance.

The next pose is called Halasana also known as the Plow pose. To begin with, lie down on the floor on your back and slowly raise your legs above your head until your toes reach the floor. This pose stretches your spine and shoulders. The third pose is known as Salamba Sarvangasana, a shoulder stand pose. While using a towel or a blanket, perform a headstand pose while resting your elbows and shoulders on it. Support your hips with both of your palms to maintain your balance. This pose stretches your neck and shoulders.

The next pose is called Pincha Mayurasana, a forearm stand pose. To achieve this position, crouch down and slowly rise your lower body upward while your forearms and palms are on the floor, keeping your entire body in equilibrium. The fifth pose is called Vrschikasana or also known as the Scorpion Pose. This is a variation of the fourth pose. While in the position of Pincha Mayurasana, slowly lift your head and at the same time bring your feet slightly close over your head. The forth and fifth postures improve your overall body balance, strengthen your shoulders, abs, and the whole area of your back.

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