Yoga Practises in Other Religions

Yogic ideas are often expressed in the sermons of Buddha. Early Buddhism included meditative states. Yogacara Buddhism teaches yoga to attain enlightenment. In Tibetan Buddhism the generation of the heat in one’s body...

Yoga Practises in Buddhism

Buddhism is a collection of related practises and beliefs, followed around the world as a religion. Buddhism came from the teachings of Siddharta Gautama, famous for the name “the Buddha” (the Awakened One). The Buddha...

Yoga Basics (Bottoms Up)

Yoga’s “bottoms up,” or the “upward plank pose (purvottanasana),” is characterised by a backbend body posture, also considered an arm balance in yoga, although it appears to be more of a back bending practise. The term...

Yoga Types and Styles (Nude Yoga)

There are many styles of yoga in the world. One type of yoga is the contemporary style. Contemporary styles are based on the traditional methods of yoga, but they all originate in the United States. One example of...

The Best Yoga Books Available Online

Yoga’s benefits include flexibility improvement, total detoxification, excellent toning of muscles, enhance lubrication of the ligaments, joints and tendons and overall massage of all organs. These advantages are well...

The Siddha Yoga Practises

The Siddha Yoga is a route for inner discipline and transformation. The practise is instilled with the refinement of a Siddha Yoga Guru. Performing and practising the Siddha Yoga is a way to expand and touch the inner...

Yoga Types and Styles (Bikram)

Bikram Yoga was developed by Bikram Choudhury as a new form of yoga with 26 series of Asana postures, followed by two Kapalabhati breathing exercises. It is done normally in a heated room temperature of 100 degrees to...

Yoga Etiquette

There are rules of good yoga etiquette that could help you feel comfortable and relax when going an unfamiliar setting. These are based on courtesy and common sense, but let’s deal with some of the issues that are...

The History of Yoga

Currently, more and more people are suffering from diseases and psychological and physical stress. A way to reduce stress and manage anxiety is through the practise of Yoga. It is an effective way of improving oneself...

Yoga Practices (Styles of Modern Day Yoga)

Yoga is believed to be an ultimate form of exercise. It helps to build and maintain muscle tone as well as to control and steady conscious breathing, an important part of yoga exercise. The combination of muscle...

Get Down Dog

The Get Down Dog pose involves arms reaching, hips lifting, and spine stretching, that create an energetic sensation throughout the body. This position enlivens one’s body – from the hips to the spine, to the...

Yoga Equipment (Basic Equipment – Clothing and Shoes)

People who are interested in trying yoga must first obtain basic and proper yoga clothing. Yoga is a widely known workout that involves physical and mental exercise. However, while working out, people are encouraged to...

Yoga Types and Styles (Ashtanga)

People have become more conscious about their health and well-being. Many ways and alternative may be tried to keep our bodies in shape. Among others, Yoga is an effective, natural link to healthy living. Yoga is a...

Where to Find Free Yoga Videos Online

Yoga enthusiasts can find a number of free online yoga materials that are designed to promote the healthy and healing benefits of yoga. The good health that is endowed upon us since we were born can be revived through...

Goal of Yoga

Yoga has a goal; it is to unite different parts of the body to make it whole so it will have effectiveness, integrity, and power. Yoga in particular allows you to control your actions to increase the knowledge of...

Kripalu Yoga and Its Centre

Kripalu came from the name of Desai’s teacher, Sri Kripalvananda who was a yoga master of Kundalini. Amrit Desai is a yoga teacher who founded the hatha yoga and the centre for yoga and wellness in Stockbridge...

How to Find a Yoga Mat Online

A yoga mat is important when doing yoga poses since it provides a ground gripping padding for your feet and hands. Cushioning the hard floor provides the most healthful benefits in yoga. Here are helpful steps in...

How to Start Doing Yoga

Making a decision whether you want to start doing yoga is the primary step. Here is some information that you will need to take the next step and start enjoying the benefits and pleasures of yoga. First, pick a type of...

Ashtanga Yoga and Its Series

Ashtanga came from the Sanskrit word which means “eight limbs”. It refers to the yoga of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It has a series of poses that is done through a Vinyasa flowing style. Krishnamacharya and Sri K...

Different Yoga Practises

Almost 5,000 years have passed since the practise of yoga became known to man. With the aim of psycho-physical improvement, yoga covers all kinds of meditation disciplines. It can be done by everybody, regardless of how...