‘Big Stan’ in Prison Gets Too Risqué

If you’re a big Rob Schneider fan or someone who is easily tickled by crass humour, you’ll probably enjoy this movie. Otherwise, STAY AWAY and trust me on that one!

Not convinced, Let me give you the basic premise of the movie and maybe then you’ll agree. Schneider who plays Stan is a swindling real estate salesman. He is called out for his swindling habits and faces prison for fraud. But Stan is afraid of being raped in prison. The humour in the movie arises from this “fear”.

And so, there is a bum joke a minute, some crassly funny and some just go over your head because you don’t ever see the bums they’re talking about to get the joke!

Stan’s lawyer (M. Emmett Walsh) gets him a six month reprieve by pulling some strings (read: bribing the judge) and so Stan enrols in a martial arts’ school to get himself an education in self defence. He then goes on to become a Kung fu master and is confident of taking on the prison world.

But the troubles don’t end there and Stan is now face-to-face with the jail warden (Scott Wilson) – he is the trouble Stan didn’t anticipate.

And so it goes on and you, the audience are expected to find it exceedingly hilarious that Stan is so afraid of being raped in prison. Like I said, there are some entertaining bits but they’re probably more appealing to a male demographic. With its vulgar theme, I just don’t picture this as the perfect ‘date’ movie.

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