Duke of Edinburgh – Silver Award

The second in the series of the three Duke of Edinburgh awards is Silver. To get on this one it is recommended that you have completed your Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. This is considered to be a step up, and to get on this scheme you have to be 15 years or older. If you start it without your bronze award you will have to do an extra 6 months in one of the areas.

The format is similar to that of the bronze: there are four sections of work or projects to complete. As with bronze these are volunteering, physical, skills and expedition, but as you may have guessed the sections all get longer. This time you are required to volunteer for 6 months, and spend 6 months either learning or advancing a skill or a physical activity, and then three months doing the other one.

You will need to produce evidence to support these tasks, from class teachers, adults in charge, whoever is in charge of the volunteer scheme. The fourth section is an expedition, and this will come as no surprise to bronze award holders. However, to get your silver award, the length of your expedition has been made longer to challenge you further. This time you need to plan and train to undertake an expedition that lasts three days and two nights. Whether it’s a couple of nights on the moors or an organised climbing trip, just go for it!

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