German Spitz – Dog Breed Information and Pictures

These dogs are descended from Stone Age breeds of a similar type, originally used for hunting and tracking. They are the oldest breed of European dog.

The name German Spitz is used for both a type of dog and a specific breed. Many modern Spitz breeds originate from the German Spitz and there is still some confusion as to whether they are truly breeds in their own right or merely variations on the original.

The HYPERLINK “” o “Fédération Cynologique Internationale”Fédération Cynologique Internationale registers the German Spitz as just one breed with separate sub-breeds listed according to size and colour. These are; the Mittelspitz; Kleinspitz; Wolfspitz; Grandspitz and Zwergspitz (Pomeranian).

Although the FCI lists the Pomeranian as being a smaller variant of the German Spitz in the UK and elsewhere it is listed as a separate breed along with the Mittelspitz and Kleinspitz.

It is thought that the American Eskimo Dog was derived from the Mittelspitz (also called the Standard Spitz). The German Spitz was brought to America before WW1, but renamed because of anti-German feeling. However, several sub-breeds were used in the dog’s development including Keeshonds and Pomeranians and in America and Canada it is now considered a separate breed from the German Spitz.

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The true German Spitz is white in colour, but sub-breeds vary. It is wolf-like in appearance with a thick double coat, triangular pricked ears and a curled over tail. They make affectionate, docile and well-mannered pets. Generally they are healthy, but they are prone to eye problems. They do not take well to hot weather.

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