How President Barack Obama Quit Smoking

In an effort to improve his candidacy for presidency, Barack Obama joined the millions of people who attempt to quit smoking each year. He credits his wife with the encouragement that came from telling him she wanted a healthy husband.

Because the campaign was a very stressful time, it was not easy for him to quit smoking. President Obama took his wife’s advice and chose a stop smoking aid to help him achieve his goal.

The aid chosen was nicotine replacement therapy in the form of nicotine gum. Partnered with his will power, nicotine gum assisted with the cessation process by gradually releasing nicotine into the mouth when the urge to smoke hit.

The gum is completely safe for most people. Those smokers who suffer from certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, liver disease or ulcers, should not try this method alone. For such smokers, a physician should be consulted before beginning this, or any type, of nicotine replacement therapy.

Nicotine gum can be very effective when used correctly. The technique that provides the highest level of support is to chew the gum slowly until the taste becomes strong. When this happens, stop chewing, and shift the gum to the side to let it rest between your teeth and cheek. Start chewing again when the taste starts to go away. This will release another small amount of nicotine into the mouth.

Continue this pattern until the gum has no taste, usually a period of about 30 minutes. Eating or drinking 15 minutes before use can decrease the effectiveness of the gum, so try to plan breaks or meals accordingly.

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