Is it time to create a new email account?

Your goofy email may be funny but it will only make you look bad if you’re using it for work-related messages. Is it time to get a more professional sounding email address? Experts say, yes.

Can’t Move On

In the early days of email, kids made their own email addresses and because their usernames stuck, they kept using said addresses decades later. Most of these email users are now in their 30s or 40s and still identify as or as Their email addresses are now over a decade old but their age is not the issue and the thousands of spam messages that they receive each day is not even the biggest problem.

Create New Email Account for Work

Goofy email addresses are fun but potential employers rarely take anyone seriously with an email address that sounds like the examples given above. Can you imagine your lawyer sending you a pertinent document through coolkid278? Imagine having to be the bearer of bad news while using the email address These examples are just some of the reasons why you should get an email address that looks and sounds professional because your old goofy email will affect how your messages are received by the person who will be reading them.

How To Build A Professional Email Address

If you have a website, you can use an email client to attach to it. The CEO of XYZ company, for example, can create an email address that contains his name i.e. If you don’t have your own website or the company you work for doesn’t have one, you can always get a new account with your favourite email provider. All you need to do is to use your name for your new email.

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