Low Dose Aspirin

Antiplatelets are mainly of two types – the low dose aspirin and clopidogrel antiplatelets.

A low dose of aspirin can be used as an anti platelet drug which helps in reducing the risk of clotting of blood. A 75mg dose of aspirin per day can be administered in cases of stroke, heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, acute coronary syndrome as well as a bypass graft surgery of the coronary artery. It can also be administered in cases of risk of heart attacks and strokes being high in persons who have hypertension, diabetes and have high level of cholesterol.

Aspirin in low doses are advised for retinopathy, nephropathy, diabetes over 10 years, persons over 50 years and hypertension.

Use of aspirin in children

In children, this is usually administered for treating Kawasaki syndrome or after heart surgery.

The use of aspirin is avoided in case of children who are below sixteen years of age.

Working of aspirin

The anitplatelet medicines are drugs which are used for preventing the blood from clotting.

Aspirin functions by reducing the ability of the platelets to stick together.


Low dose aspirin is not advised if the person suffers from peptic ulcer, any bleeding disorder like haemophilia, allergy to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like diclofenac as well as ibuprofen, allergy to aspirin.

Aspirin should not be administered to those who are below sixteen years without the advice from a doctor.

The other cases where one should not use aspirin are given below. They are asthma, hypertension, hepatic disorders and renal disorders.

Persons who are required to undergo some surgical procedure must stop the usage of aspirin one week before the planned surgery.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

Low dose aspirin say 75mg must be taken only under the supervision of the doctor in case the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. Aspirin of doses above 150mg should not be used by pregnant as well as breastfeeding women.

Side effects

Some side effects of using aspirin which are commonly found are intestinal and stomach irritation, nausea as well as indigestion.

The less popular side effects of using low dose aspirin are vomiting, allergies, bruising, bleeding in stomach and stomach inflammation

People may experience Haemorrhage of brain, a condition where there is bleeding in the brain very rarely.


Aspirin is not advised with anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen,diclofenac, naproxen as well as indometacin. This is because there are high chances of stomach bleeding.
If aspirin is used, then human body will lose its ability of removing the methotrexate. This can pose very severe risks.

Using aspirin with the SSRI antidepressant drugs like citalopram, venlafaxine, paroxetine, fluoxetine as well as setraline increases the chances of bleeding.

Warfarin is a drug which is used normally as anticoagulant. Anticoagulant drugs are those which prevent the clotting of the blood. In certain cases, usage of aspirin can lead to an inceased bleeding which can be fatal. But in certain cases, the doctors advice the use of warfarin and aspirin together.

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