Subway Diet

While there is no official Subway diet, Jared Fogle lost 245 pounds by skipping breakfast and eating Subway sandwiches twice a day. He also began walking on a daily basis. Subway introduced Jared Fogle in 2000 as the centrepiece of a marketing campaign designed to prove that they are a healthy fast food choice. The goal of the Subway diet is to emulate Jared and cut daily calories to 1,000 a day or under. Subway provides all of the dietary information on their subs and they have several subs on their menu that contain 6 grams of fat or less. Dieters avoid cheese, mayonnaise, and other condiments but can choose baked snack chips and diet sodas or water to accompany their sub.
Daily exercise is a key component of this weight loss plan along with portion control and low-fat food choices. This diet is geared towards men and women and can be simple to follow if dieters live near a Subway restaurant. While users can lose weight on this diet since it is basically a low-fat, portion-controlled regimen; nutritionists are concerned about the lack of breakfast. They also warn dieters that eating the same foods on a daily basis can be monotonous, which makes it hard for dieters to stick with it on a long-term basis. There are no clinical trials on the diet’s efficacy and the only testimonial offered on the Subway site is by Jared Fogle. Subway is a good choice for take-out food since they are a healthier option than fried or other fatty foods, but dieters might choose a different diet plan for lifelong weight loss.

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