Why Am I Suffering from Hair Loss?

Some people have looked in the mirror and noticed they have a receding hair line. Oftentimes, this condition lead people to ask the obvious question, “Why am I suffering from hair loss? This could be due to hereditary genes, hormonal changes, medication or certain medical conditions. Whatever the reason maybe you are not alone. Studies show that an average of two-percent or more of the population is affected by hair loss. The term for this condition is called Androgenic Alopecia and it can affect both male and female. Some people experience hair loss later in life, and for others the onset of hair loss can began as early as their teenage years.

Hair loss does not discriminate according to race, color, gender or creed. The likelihood that most people will experience hair loss will show up in 1 out of 5 individuals, with men being at a higher risk. Although, hair loss is due to many underlying factors, we will discuss the most common causes, while answering the question of, “Why am I suffering from hair loss?”

Physical Stress

We all have days when we are overwhelmed, overworked and overpaid, and this can lead to temporary hair loss. This condition is called telogen effluvium. The hair is programmed to complete a life cycle consisting of growth, rest and shedding. When stress overshadows the body, the first two steps are eliminated, and the hair shaft goes into the shedding phase. However, most people may not notice bald spots on their scalp after several months.

Taking Too Much Vitamin A

Although vitamins are great for replenishing and protecting the body, taking too much can be harmful. The recommended daily allowances for Vitamin A are 5,000 IUs and anything above that can trigger hair loss. However, when Vitamin A is removed from the diet, the hair will start to grow back.

Chemotherapy Treatment

People who are suffering with cancer most likely undergo chemotherapy radiation treatment. Radiation can sometimes the medications can cause hair loss. Chemotherapy divides and destroy cancerous cells, and sometimes good cells get in the way. Nevertheless, the hair will grow back, perhaps with a different texture, after chemotherapy treatment.

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