Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound – Dog Breed Information and Pictures

The Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound is indigenous to Virginia in the United States. This is a widely popular dog in the southern region of the United States. It is an effective hunter and companion. Like most hounds, it does howl and is considered to be a noisy dog. It does require some training if it is to be an inside dog, but the dog’s good nature and easy attitude makes it a wonderful pet.

The Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound is a lean and well-muscled dog. It is both strong and active, easily performing the hunting duties that it was bred for. The coat is close to the body and has a hard density to it. The hair is usually short to medium and, as the name suggests, the colours should be black and tan.

The personality and temperament of the Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound is unique and desired. They are highly intelligent, loyal and very athletic. They enjoy the affection from their owner, just as they love to give it. They should not be left alone for very long since they will try to entertain themselves. They need to have plenty of exercise and have ample room to run.

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The Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound is not a good watchdog. This is true of most hounds. Although they can alert the owners to the presence of strangers, they typically do not bite. They are loyal and loving, but they are not aggressive and would not do well to defend a home or owner.

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