Top 10 Movie Quotes That Offer Advice

Movies often try to teach a moral lesson. These are the best lines from films that offer advice to the opposing character.

10. ‘Never disregard anything no matter how trivial.’
From ‘Sherlock Holmes’

Very good advice. Each and every little thing can be something, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time. It may become very important at some point in the future.

9. ‘Never do nothing you wouldn’t want printed on the front page of The New York Times.’
From ‘Born Yesterday’

There are many celebrities and young Hollywood hopefuls that should take this advice into consideration. Don’t embarrass yourself or go off the edge, because the rest of the world may very well get to hear about it.

8. ‘Never fight unless you’re sure you can win.’
From ‘3 Ninjas’

A great piece of knowledge. If you still start the fight, you’ll be sorry later on. The only time this is wrong is when you have to defend your life or that of someone you love, then you’ll do whatever you have to.

7. ‘Never do today what you can put off ‘til tomorrow.’
From ‘The African Queen’

This is a bit backwards, but that makes it funny and makes you wonder what those things could be.

6. ‘Never wrestle with pigs. You’ll both get dirty, only the pig likes it.’
From ‘Good Advice’

Stay out of things you know you shouldn’t be involved in, in the first place.

5. ‘Never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what, It’s probably worth it.’
From ‘The Beach’

Good advice, for young and old alike, to enjoy every experience, because it’s just that, an experience. Take in all that life has for you.

4. ‘Never discuss work when you’re having fun and never, never over a drink.’
From ‘Torn Curtain’

True, work changes the entire liveliness of a conversation and reminds people of the real world and responsibilities. When you’re having fun, you just want to forget things for a while, if you can.

3. ‘Never be in a hurry. You’ll miss the best parts in life.’
From ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’

This is difficult to follow, especially in today’s busy and ever changing world, but it should be listened to and obeyed whenever possible. Take in the small moments.

2. ‘Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.’
From ‘A Cinderella Story’

Don’t let fear hold you back. If you never step up to the plate and try to take a swing you’ll miss out on your entire life. It doesn’t matter if you miss, you’ll learn how to do it better next time and eventually you’ll hit that ball.

1. ‘Never trust a fart.’
From ‘The Bucket List’
It was just so random and humorous I felt it needed to be included on this list.

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