
Intra uterine Devices or IUDS are commonly known as coils. These are contraceptive devices which are usually made from copper or from plastic. It is fitted deep in the body of the uterus where it will stay, and the women are protected from having unnecessary conception.
The efficacy of IUD is really high is the method of choice amongst women who are seeking a contraceptive measure, it is relatively safe and has many advantages.
How does it function,
The function of IUD is basically to stop sperms from reaching the egg. This is achieved by making the uterus hostile for the sperms to travel and the conditions in uterus is adverse so even if there is conception the womb is not ready for implantation of the embryo.
To understand how an IUD works it is important to know how an IUD looks. An IUD contains a head two arms and a body and 2 pieces of strings which form the tail. Except for the tail the entire device is made up of copper. Once the IUD is in the place the copper ions are released regularly resulting in an auto immune reaction which is specifically localized into the womb. This results in excess mucus and presence of many leucocytes and natural killers. When the sperms are introduced into the hostile environment like this the mobility of the sperms are greatly reduced due to the presence of thick mucus plug and the strangled sperms are quickly acted upon by leucocytes and natural killer cells which kill the sperms.
How is the device placed,
IUD is unlike other contraceptive devices which can be used by the person themselves; they initially require a Doctor or a specialist nurse to place it in place. Before that the woman has to undergo a thorough pelvic examination this is done for two important reasons
Firstly to check the measurement of the womb and to decide what should be the size of the IUD, this is important as smaller devices may slip out and bigger out may rupture the womb itself.
Secondly to rule out any sexually transmitted diseases or any abnormalities in the female reproductive system itself.
Once the initial examination is finished and the size of the device is decided you might discus with the doctor what type of IUD is needed there exists different types of IUD which will last for year 5 years or more depending on it compositions.
Before the procedure you might request for a local anaesthesia or sometimes mild sedatives might just be sufficient. The device is inserted through the cervix and is placed in the womb, the tail is left out of the cervix in the anterior vaginal wall, and this is to know if the device is in place or not.
Disadvantage of IUD:
An IUD does not prevent sexually transmitted disease.
Pelvis infections which might occur after insertion of the device, mild infection is common after 20 days, but if there new bleeding, or pus you should immediately go to the doctor.
Occasionally IUD might pierce the womb and wander into abdominal cavity, if the tail is not found on self examination it is necessary to go to the doctor.

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