Aquarium Heater

Many years ago fish were bred in pools and ponds as food. Later, fish served as an alternative to meat in medieval Europe. The ancient Sumerians kept coloured fish as pets. Keeping fish has come a long way since it was...

Cuddling with Your Cavy

Your pet Guinea Pig is undeniably an adorable creature that you would want to cuddle up with. Before doing so, give some consideration to the feelings of your pet. Is he a social animal, or do people make him nervous...

Ferret Health Proper Grooming

Ferrets are generally clean animals and require little day-to-day maintenance, but there are a few important grooming procedures that should be done on a fairly regular basis. Keeping the ferret’s nails trimmed is...

Aquarium Filter

The aquarium filter is considered one of the important components of freshwater and marine tanks or pools. It removes physical and chemical wastes from the aquarium, particularly those that are soluble thereby...

Cavy Quarters

Bringing home a new pet takes planning, and the accommodation for a Guinea Pig should be carefully considered before he arrives. Indoors, or Out, The best common practice for housing your Guinea Pig is to keep him...

Aquarium Decorations: Realistic or Fake,

Designing home aquariums involve more personal taste and style than many people may think. Whether it is just recreating a natural habitat for the fish or adding a trendy moving sculpture to the room, aquarium...

Ferret Health Common Diseases and Disorders

Adrenal disease is one of the most common ferret maladies, characterized by tumours that grow on the adrenal glands. Symptoms of adrenal disease in ferrets include hair loss, weight loss, skin irritation, sores...

Aquarium Changing Tips and Guides

Water changing varies, depending upon your aquarium type – whether it is coldwater, marine or tropical. It also varies according to what you use – either purified or tap. Water change is an important aspect...

Feeding Baby Ferrets

Baby ferrets, called kits, are generally weaned from their mother’s milk between six and eight weeks after birth. Once they begin to eat solid foods, it is important that kits receive proper nutrition in order to grow...

Cavy Cuisine

Before you bring home your cavy, you’ll want to have plenty of food for him to eat. Guinea Pigs are vegetarians, and need variety to stay healthy. A well balanced diet of veggies, hay and pellets is recommended for best...

Buying a Pet Guinea Pig

Guinea Pigs are available to purchase as pets from one of three sources: from a pet store, Guinea Pig rescue shelter or Guinea Pig Breeder. Choosing the right source before purchasing a pet is just as important as...

Aquarium Air Pump

An aquarium is an artificial environment where fish and other water organisms live. There are many reasons why one chooses to have an aquarium, and one of them is the aesthetic value that aquariums add to a certain...

Breeding Ferrets

Male ferrets, or hobs, begin to come in season for breeding around December of their first year. This early maturation period is characterized by the hob’s aggressive play, intolerance of other males, and a distinct...

Amazing Benefit of Fish-Keeping: Relaxation

Since 1800, fish have been raised in houses for the purpose of eating them. Today, fish are amongst the most common household pets all over the world. Fish are great pets, due to the reason that they do not require more...

Baby Ferrets

Baby ferrets, called kits, gestate between 40 and 44 days. A typical litter has between six and eight kits. They are born hairless and with their eyes closed, and the eyes will remain closed for several more weeks...

Rescue Rabbit

Though many people acquire their pet rabbit through a breeder or pet store, it’s important to remember those in need of rescue. There are many animal rescue organizations that pick up rabbits that are in need of new...

Where To Find A Dog

The most common places to find a dog in the US are the Department of Animal Control (Animal Shelter), Breeder Rescue Groups, Breeders, Newspaper ads, or Pet Stores. The Animal Shelter, Humane Society, Newspaper and Pet...

Rabbits Veterans

Aging rabbits are no different from any other living creature as it ages. As your rabbit becomes a veteran, do what you can to make life more comfortable for him in his older age. Stiffness may start to set in and your...

Elderly Dogs

There is no set age for when a dog is considered elderly (senior). However, veterinarians will refer to dogs as being senior when they are in their last third of their normal life expectancy. In general most small to...

Rabbit Training

Rabbits are very intelligent creatures that can be trained to do a number of fun things. Many people train their rabbit to use a litter box in order to keep their cage cleaner. This can be extremely beneficial since it...