Quit Smoking

Nicotine Anonymous

For smokers who want to quit but, need help and support, go look for a smokers’ support group. Being with others trying to kick the habit or with those who have successfully stopped is very important. Nicotine Anonymous...

Myths of Smoking Cessation

As is the case with any program, smoking cessation has myths that may deter some smokers from quitting. While some of the myths may be true, most of the time they are not. Cessation Products are a Foolproof Method of...

Making the Decision to Quit

Deciding to stop smoking is a life changing decision that should not be taken lightly. While it may seem easy to just decide to stop smoking, there are a number of considerations to think about prior to putting down...

Kids: Stop Them Before They Get Started

One of the first things a child will try as a result of negative peer pressure is smoking cigarettes. Once hooked, it is difficult to get a teenager to quit smoking. However, the intuitive parent can begin to educate...

How to Stop Smoking when Your Spouse Still Smokes

For most smokers, the decision to quit is difficult. For smokers who live with another smoker, the decision is more complex. Those who live with a smoker who is not giving up the habit are three times more likely to...

How to Stop Smoking Cold Turkey

There are multiple ways to stop smoking cold turkey. While the choice between the methods depends on the smoker, quitting cold turkey seems to be difficult for many smokers. However, there are numerous ways to make...

How to Help a Teen Quit Smoking

The peer pressure that teens have to deal with causes many of them to act in ways that are uncharacteristic. Often, they coax one another to do things that can become bad habits, such as drinking and smoking. Teens that...

How to Help a Friend Quit Smoking

The human body’s dependence on certain substances can sometimes cause withdrawal when the substances are removed. This is even true with cigarette smoking. Many times, the support and encouragement of friends and...

How to Gradually Stop Smoking

There are two basic ways to stop smoking: cold turkey or gradually. Giving up gradually is the most appropriate option for someone who has a considerable amount of willpower and a limited support system. When you want...

How to Get Rid of the Cigarette Smoke Odours

One of the hardest things to deal with after beginning a cessation program is the smell of smoke. A study by the Mayo Clinic discovered the smell of cigarette smoke is the number one cause of relapses for smokers. As...

How President Barack Obama Quit Smoking

In an effort to improve his candidacy for presidency, Barack Obama joined the millions of people who attempt to quit smoking each year. He credits his wife with the encouragement that came from telling him she wanted a...

How Addicted Are You,

Deciding how addicted you are to cigarettes is the starting point to deciding what programme is best to help you stop smoking. As with any addiction, nicotine addiction has its various levels. The first thing to...

Facts about Smoking

Smoking kills approximately 438,000 Americans annually. This number is higher than illegal drug use, HIV, murder, alcohol, motor vehicle accidents and suicide combined. But, for a number of reasons, millions of people...

Effects of Tobacco

There are numerous negative effects from using tobacco. According to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 438,000 deaths per year are the direct effect of the negative impact...

Effects of Smoking on Workplace Productivity

A study by the United States Department of Labour lists smoking as one of the leading causes of reduced productivity. For this reason, along with the proven health benefits of reducing exposure to second-hand smoke...

Dangers of Second Hand Smoke

Smoking is hazardous to smokers; that fact is well known. However, smokers are endangering everyone around them through second hand smoke by exposing others to some of the same dangers of smoking the cigarette...

Coping with the Firsts as a Non-Smoker

Everything seems different once you stop smoking. Many of the events you enjoy will also seem different. Getting through each event for the first time may seem to be a daunting task. However, there are ways to get...

Coping With Physical Withdrawal Symptoms

Coping with the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal is possible if the symptoms are dealt with as soon as they are recognized. Withdrawal symptoms can begin in as little as 20 minutes after the last cigarette or up...